About Us
elaw is Australia’s trusted elitigation partner. We support litigators and litigants throughout the entire litigation lifecycle, from early case assessment though to etrial. We are committed to delivering excellent client service, tailored expert advice and support for matters and clients of all sizes.

Our Team
We pride ourselves in delivering unrivalled know-how and responsiveness.
Ian Chivers
Ian pioneered the use of technology in evidence management in Australia in the late 1970s and has driven its evolution in litigation management and at trial. He is a respected innovator whose work is impacting eLitigation globally.
Monica Dunne
Monica has designed, delivered and managed technology solutions for some of the largest litigations and corporate transactions in Australia for more than 20 years, in both top tier law and specialist consulting firms.
elaw’s consultants are legally qualified electronic litigation specialists. They have experience in all facets of the electronic discovery reference model and provide expert partnership to litigators throughout Australia. elaw’s consultants are skilled in the use of a range of software environments, including Relativity, Delium and Nuix, and have expertise in developing workflows and methodologies that take advantage of the best that these solutions offer.
Project Managers
A dedicated elaw project manager is assigned to every matter to ensure that elaw’s clients receive highest levels of support and assistance. elaw’s project managers are the lynchpin between elaw’s processing, technical and consulting teams to ensure that matters are managed in the most efficient and effective manner. elaw’s project managers have years of practical experience supporting litigators with all levels of experience to manage matters of all types and sizes.
Data Processing Teams
elaw’s data management team is comprised of highly technical specialists with expertise in the collection, management, processing, analysis and production of data. Using a range of software tools and workflows, our team ensures that processing and analysis solutions are defensible, clever and compliant. They are highly experienced in meeting the needs of Courts, Commissions and Inquiries, and in supporting the use of analytics and assisted review technologies.