Matter Types
elaw delivers specialised eLitigation services to law firms and corporate entities for Construction Litigation, Class Actions and Regulatory Response.

Construction Litigation
Given the value, complexity, scope and nature of large-scale construction projects, mid- and post-project disputes occur frequently and often result in the commencement of arbitration or litigation. elaw has considerable experience in supporting construction disputes in both arenas and we have developed a range of workflows tailored to the needs of these disputes.
Construction litigation typically involves the review and analysis of site documentation (the project information management system) together with project documentation (planning, contractual and legal documentation). Within these broad categories fall an extensive list of safety, environmental, quality, finance, commercial, contractual, production, administrative, architectural, engineering and other construction documents.
Data stored within Aconex and other proprietary document management systems can provide challenges for elitigation review if it is not collected using industry best practices. Data that is not collected in a forensically-sound manner can impede efficient and effective processing and review.
elaw’s approach to all engagements, including construction litigation, is a tailored one: our role is to understand the details of the claim, the prospective evidence set and your legal, procedural and data analysis obligations and objectives. Given the document intensity of construction projects and myriad opportunities for dispute, there is no ‘one size fits all’ construction workflow. Working with you, we will recommend an approach, review plan and workflow designed to focus and organise your review.
Class Actions
elaw’s Class Action solutions deliver clever and cost-effective evidence management for all types of class action claims including:
- product liability actions
- investors and/or shareholders claims
- industrial claims; and
- consumer protection claims.
elaw’s class action support record is considerable, spanning over a decade of support for actions in multiple jurisdictions and for multiple firms. We have developed specific workflows for applicant and respondent teams reflecting the considerable differences in approach required for each party.
Regulatory Responses
Have you or your client received a notice from a Regulator requiring document production?
elaw’s consultants have significant experience in meeting the requirements of notices issued by the ACCC, ASIC, the ATO and various other agencies, often within very tight timeframes.
We work collaboratively with relevant client personnel so that compliance tasks are sensibly allocated. This approach minimises client cost and operational disruption.
Our Regulatory Response solutions are underpinned by checklists, documentation and workflows to protect you and your client. Our legally defensible approach provides peace of mind by ensuring that necessary information is identified, collected, reviewed and produced within stipulated timeframes.
We use best-fit technology to support the data collection, analysis, review and production needs of the project. For Regulatory Response engagements, this is likely to include RelativityOne or Nuix Discover software and may include utilisation of Active Learning technology.