elaw has a reputation for being at the forefront of technology utilisation at hearing. In elaw’s eTrials, eArbitrations and Inquiries, the focus is always on delivering the best eTrial experience to all participants together with significant time and cost savings. The challenges presented by COVID19 have significantly increased demand for elaw’s eTrials services and, in response, we have delivered the most effective virtual hearing environment available. elaw’s experienced eTrials Team supports a full range of virtual, physical and hybrid hearing options for Trials, Arbitrations, Mediations and Government Inquiries, in Australia and internationally.
An elaw eTrials Consultant will coordinate all your hearing requirements, providing support pre-, during, and post-hearing. Engaging with elaw early in your matter ensures a smooth transition from eDiscovery through to trial.

eTrials Services
elaw eTrials replicate the best elements of traditional hearing processes and workflows, powered by easy-to-use software. Patent protected functionality allows litigators to work seamlessly with public and private versions of their evidence during hearings.
elaw eTrials inclusions are flexible and tailored to meet your needs, and may include:
- eTrial design, implementation and management (virtual, physical or hybrid)
- Provision of elaw’s dedicated Virtual Justice meeting platform
- Tailored training for all participants, including remote witnesses
- Data management advice and strategy
- Coordination of transcript services (physical, virtual or speech to text)
- Trial graphics support
- Opening and closing submission support
- Cost containment strategies
- 24/7 technical support
Our eTrials respect traditional legal roles in the Courtroom and provide an automatic and comprehensive record of proceedings. Every elaw eTrial comes with the level of support that suits the litigators and the judicial team.
Delium Evidence Presentation
We utilise Delium evidence presentation software to deliver the most effective eTrials for our clients. Developed in Australia, and utilised internationally, Delium is simple to implement and use, and natively supports Australian legal practice and procedure. elaw’s team can advise on simple data and file transfer from pre-trial software such as RelativityOne or Nuix Discover to Delium in preparation for hearing. Delium’s approach to eTrials is world-leading and protected by patents in Australia and the United States.
Why a Delium eTrial?
Seamless eDiscovery
to eTrial
Delium is a fully integrated environment, supporting review, discovery and presentation at trial with complete, patent-protected functionality enhancing the quality of justice and containing costs.
Any room can
host an eTrial
Delium is clever Internet-driven software – all participants need is a device and access to the Internet. Delium’s design perfectly supports virtual, physical or hybrid hearings.
Delium is a
virtual trolley
Have everything you need at trial loaded and available in Delium – Evidence, Procedural Documents, Witness Statements, Transcript, Counsels Notes, Pleadings, Orders & Rulings, Cited Cases, Aide Memoirs and Submissions.
Delium recognises traditional trial processes and workflows
Delium reinstates the best of the traditional courtroom, delivered via a simple software interface. Litigators can take back control of proceedings to whatever extent they feel comfortable.
No ‘dumb terminal’
eTrials often only deliver lawyers passive ‘dumb terminal’ views of the evidence shown to them. With evidence published in Delium, each participant can actively and independently navigate the document and annotate and analyse their private version.
Remote lawyers, clients and witnesses are virtual attendees
Delium’s published view window automatically updates with the evidence shown, enabling your remotely-based team to keep track of proceedings as if they were in a physical Courtroom, no matter where in the world they are located.
All devices, all browsers and 300+ file formats can be displayed
Delium supports the use of any Internet-connected device (PCs, tablets, iPads and phones). Supporting portrait screen or landscape screens – Delium adjusts to your available display space.
Delium automates production of the Trial Record
Every document presented, every page viewed, every zoom to a paragraph, every “X marks the spot” is automatically recorded (to the second) as part of a comprehensive trial record.
Delium automatically creates hyperlinks to Exhibits, and other evidence in Witness Statements, Submissions and Transcript loaded in Delium.